Southern Delaware School of the Arts
Parent Teacher Organization
27 Hosier Street
Selbyville, De 19975
(302) 436-1066
EIN: 20-5693639
PTO Meeting – October 6th, 2009
Those in attendance: Principal Neil Beahan, SDSA Secretary Colleen Hudson, PTO Co-Presidents Stephanie Staib and Nikky Fisher, Treasurer Jen Willey, Teachers Lynne Southmayd and Becky Burton, Parents Christy Moriarty and Betsy Parsons.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
The budget for 2009-2010 school year was reviewed. Treasurer Jen Willey did an outstanding job at organizing the PTO financial data and was able to answer several questions regarding the budget and expenses on record. Some adjustments were made before the budget was approved.
The chairs were purchased to add to the bleachers seating during performances. Although the PTO had budgeted to contribute $750.00 toward that purchase, since additional district money was unavailable, it was agreed to cover the entire purchase with the additional $500.00 savings from the moon bounce purchase ($1500.00 purchase versus $2,000.00 budgeted.) Stephanie made the motion to approve the total cost of the chairs, Nikky seconded.
The music department had requested the purchase of a new keyboard last Spring. That purchase was approved but never purchased. Stephanie made the motion to approve the purchase this school year. Colleen seconded.
It was decided to remove the snow cone machine purchase from the budget since we have access to borrowing one at no cost for the time being.
Other Issues involving Money
· A $150 donation was made by Becky Burton’s church to Guidance Counselor, Becki Mott-Lynn with the intention to offer some financial assistance to students unable to provide for necessities. There was a discussion on how to account for that donation. It was decided to keep that money locked in the office safe with a voucher system to account any money used.
· Field Trip requests: Lauren Grise sent a request to the PTO to cover the cost of $28 for one 4th grade student for Odessa. Corrine Mullen requested $210 for three 8th grade students for DC. Lynn made the motion to approve. Stephanie seconded. *($220 was approved by all the PTO officers, Neil Beahan and Colleen Hudson for 4 additional 8th grade students on 10/7 after the meeting)
· A discussion took place regarding the creation of a field trip slush fund to help families in need. The permission slips will now include a portion which gives the option for families to contribute additional funds as a donation.
· The music department requested $8515.44 to purchase 4 of 5 acoustic sound shells. They raised $2,649.56 last year; enough to purchase one shell. The request to cover the cost, or part of the cost, to purchase acoustic shells was tabled until the PTO sees how much money can be raised by the music department’s Nov. 9 Georgia House fundraiser.
· Colleen agreed to chair the Fall book fair. It will be held Thursday and Friday, October 15 and 16th, 2009, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Several volunteers will be needed.
· Box tops will still be collected by classroom. There will be DDR and/or moon bounce parties for incentives.
· We have to send reminders to parents to register their grocery cards with participating stores (Food Lion, Giant, Harris Teeter, Super G, Giant.) It was brought up that is also participating.
· To raise additional funds, a suggestion was made to have a cake auction combined with another PTO event.
· The spaghetti dinner fundraiser is now tentatively scheduled the same night as the 1-4th Variety Show in February.
· The sale of wristbands for the Spring Arts Festival was discussed.
Principals Report
· Principal Neil Behan welcomed and recognized the new SDSA teachers.
· The PTO information is now available on the teachers’ network. Various forms are now accessible from that location. Check out the new PTO Weblog created by Stephanie! Neil will ask Joan to link the blog to the SDSA website and Teacher web.
· The moon-bounce has been purchased and will be used during the November incentive.
The next PTO meeting is scheduled for November 10th, at 7:00 p.m., which is the same day as Team Trivia.
Respectfully Submitted,
Nikky Fisher, PTO Co-President
Parent Teacher Organization
27 Hosier Street
Selbyville, De 19975
(302) 436-1066
EIN: 20-5693639
PTO Meeting – October 6th, 2009
Those in attendance: Principal Neil Beahan, SDSA Secretary Colleen Hudson, PTO Co-Presidents Stephanie Staib and Nikky Fisher, Treasurer Jen Willey, Teachers Lynne Southmayd and Becky Burton, Parents Christy Moriarty and Betsy Parsons.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
The budget for 2009-2010 school year was reviewed. Treasurer Jen Willey did an outstanding job at organizing the PTO financial data and was able to answer several questions regarding the budget and expenses on record. Some adjustments were made before the budget was approved.
The chairs were purchased to add to the bleachers seating during performances. Although the PTO had budgeted to contribute $750.00 toward that purchase, since additional district money was unavailable, it was agreed to cover the entire purchase with the additional $500.00 savings from the moon bounce purchase ($1500.00 purchase versus $2,000.00 budgeted.) Stephanie made the motion to approve the total cost of the chairs, Nikky seconded.
The music department had requested the purchase of a new keyboard last Spring. That purchase was approved but never purchased. Stephanie made the motion to approve the purchase this school year. Colleen seconded.
It was decided to remove the snow cone machine purchase from the budget since we have access to borrowing one at no cost for the time being.
Other Issues involving Money
· A $150 donation was made by Becky Burton’s church to Guidance Counselor, Becki Mott-Lynn with the intention to offer some financial assistance to students unable to provide for necessities. There was a discussion on how to account for that donation. It was decided to keep that money locked in the office safe with a voucher system to account any money used.
· Field Trip requests: Lauren Grise sent a request to the PTO to cover the cost of $28 for one 4th grade student for Odessa. Corrine Mullen requested $210 for three 8th grade students for DC. Lynn made the motion to approve. Stephanie seconded. *($220 was approved by all the PTO officers, Neil Beahan and Colleen Hudson for 4 additional 8th grade students on 10/7 after the meeting)
· A discussion took place regarding the creation of a field trip slush fund to help families in need. The permission slips will now include a portion which gives the option for families to contribute additional funds as a donation.
· The music department requested $8515.44 to purchase 4 of 5 acoustic sound shells. They raised $2,649.56 last year; enough to purchase one shell. The request to cover the cost, or part of the cost, to purchase acoustic shells was tabled until the PTO sees how much money can be raised by the music department’s Nov. 9 Georgia House fundraiser.
· Colleen agreed to chair the Fall book fair. It will be held Thursday and Friday, October 15 and 16th, 2009, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Several volunteers will be needed.
· Box tops will still be collected by classroom. There will be DDR and/or moon bounce parties for incentives.
· We have to send reminders to parents to register their grocery cards with participating stores (Food Lion, Giant, Harris Teeter, Super G, Giant.) It was brought up that is also participating.
· To raise additional funds, a suggestion was made to have a cake auction combined with another PTO event.
· The spaghetti dinner fundraiser is now tentatively scheduled the same night as the 1-4th Variety Show in February.
· The sale of wristbands for the Spring Arts Festival was discussed.
Principals Report
· Principal Neil Behan welcomed and recognized the new SDSA teachers.
· The PTO information is now available on the teachers’ network. Various forms are now accessible from that location. Check out the new PTO Weblog created by Stephanie! Neil will ask Joan to link the blog to the SDSA website and Teacher web.
· The moon-bounce has been purchased and will be used during the November incentive.
The next PTO meeting is scheduled for November 10th, at 7:00 p.m., which is the same day as Team Trivia.
Respectfully Submitted,
Nikky Fisher, PTO Co-President
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